2 min read

QuEST Rust Wrapper

Table of Contents


QuEST (Quantum Exact Simulation Toolkit) is a C library for doing exact simulations of quantum circuits. more information about QuEST, check out their repository and their website.

This QuEST-rs project is a Rust wrapper around the QuEST library, allowing you to use QuEST in your Rust projects. There’s also a template you can use to start up a new Rust project using the QuEST library.


Using the library

The library is up on crates.io so all you need to do is:

Terminal window
cargo add quest-rs

Current status

It was a fully implemented wrapper around the original library back when I wrote it, but that was like 4 years ago and I’ve not updated it since then, so there’s probably a bit of work that would need to be done to update it to the latest version.

Still, if you want to see how to wrap up C/C++ libraries in Rust or have an interest in quantum computing, have a look.

Check out the repository here